Обговорюємо і вибираємо маршрутизатори

Автор WEBLegolas, 25 Січень 2015, 23:47:48

Попередня тема - Наступна тема

Чи є у вас вдома Wi-Fi мережа?

Так(модель маршрутизатора та враження від неї в коментарях)


Цитата: T1000 від 02 Травень 2020, 12:40:29
Какой вайфай роутер брать?
Хотелка - самый дешёвый. Использоваться будет редко. Есть Д-линк, тп-линк, меркюсис. Какой лучше? Посматриваю на ТПлинк, так как у меня есть брелок и он работает. Правда на него нет дров под десятку, что весьма плохо.
а денег сколько?
гигабит предвидится?


Скорее всего, что гигабит не будет. 100 мбит максимум.
Денег 300-400 грн. Будет не на постоянку, но периодически буду подключать.
Вот тут из самых дешёвых.
Ну я думаю они все одинаковые, за исключением пары фичь.
AMD FX 8350, 16GB 1600 goodram,gigabyte  ga-970а - DS3P, ATI RX5500 XT(7nm) 8 Gb, 1tb hdd Toshiba, chieftec proton 650вт.


Цитата: T1000 від 02 Травень 2020, 15:21:09
Скорее всего, что гигабит не будет. 100 мбит максимум.
Денег 300-400 грн. Будет не на постоянку, но периодически буду подключать.
Вот тут из самых дешёвых.
Ну я думаю они все одинаковые, за исключением пары фичь.
как по мне в эту сумму все одинаково паршивого качества и разницы особой нет
[CCCР]: ИС-7, ИС-4, Об. 277, Об.705А, СТ-II, Об. 268, Об. 268\4, Об. 261, Об. 140, Т-62А, Об. 430У, К-91
[Германия]: Maus, Е100, G.W. E 100 [США]: T110E5 [Франция]: AMX M4 mle. 54, AMX 50B [Британия]: Super Conqueror


Поторопитесь восхищаться человеком, ибо упустите радость!


Цитата: Xella від 02 Травень 2020, 14:40:13netis n4
проголосую за него, хотя бы вифий норм, прошивки они с исправлениями багов выпускают, не забивают, судя по отзывам и по моему опыту


Ryzen 2700, MSI B450-A PRO, DDR4 32GB 3200Mhz, 512GB SSD NWMe +1Tb SSD Samsung+ SEAGATE 6Tb, GIGABYTE Radeon RX 5700XT 8Gb, Монитор 32", CHIEFTEC PROTON BDF-1000C


Цитата: Vlad від 02 Травень 2020, 17:36:28
Я за этот. Больше года пользуюсь, ни одного нарекания.
Такой же уже почти полтора года


AMD FX 8350, 16GB 1600 goodram,gigabyte  ga-970а - DS3P, ATI RX5500 XT(7nm) 8 Gb, 1tb hdd Toshiba, chieftec proton 650вт.


Цитата: finalplayer від 02 Травень 2020, 17:19:34
проголосую за него, хотя бы вифий норм, прошивки они с исправлениями багов выпускают, не забивают, судя по отзывам и по моему опыту
Да за 400 грн разве что двухдиапазонного европейца можно взять б/у ну или лоченого под киевстар dir-825. А учитывая две  150 квартирные 9 этажки в зоне действия 2.4ghz то теперь единственный мой 5ггц роутер решает вопросы с засраностью каналов


Планую в батьків змінити мережу. Так як звичайного Wi-Fi роутера вже не вистачає щоб покрити всі кімнати + подвір'я.
Плани такі: поставити на горищі точку доступу з PoE живленням приблизно по середині будинку. З точок доступу які можуть в таких умовах працювати за адекватні гроші знайшов тільки Mikrotik WAP ac.
Думав про mesh, але їм усім потрібне стаціонарне живлення, і вони для роботи тільки всередині будинку, а свердлити стіни для прокладки кабелів не хочу.
Що думаєте? Можна щось краще підібрати?


отпишись потом о радиусе вокруг дома, на который его хватило


Цитата: Mantikor від 06 Червень 2021, 11:07:47
Планую в батьків змінити мережу. Так як звичайного Wi-Fi роутера вже не вистачає щоб покрити всі кімнати + подвір'я.
Плани такі: поставити на горищі точку доступу з PoE живленням приблизно по середині будинку. З точок доступу які можуть в таких умовах працювати за адекватні гроші знайшов тільки Mikrotik WAP ac.
Думав про mesh, але їм усім потрібне стаціонарне живлення, і вони для роботи тільки всередині будинку, а свердлити стіни для прокладки кабелів не хочу.
Що думаєте? Можна щось краще підібрати?
одной точкой покрыть весь частный дом и двор - почти малореально.
[CCCР]: ИС-7, ИС-4, Об. 277, Об.705А, СТ-II, Об. 268, Об. 268\4, Об. 261, Об. 140, Т-62А, Об. 430У, К-91
[Германия]: Maus, Е100, G.W. E 100 [США]: T110E5 [Франция]: AMX M4 mle. 54, AMX 50B [Британия]: Super Conqueror


Цитата: aNGeL від 06 Червень 2021, 13:59:34
одной точкой покрыть весь частный дом и двор - почти малореально.
Мені хоча б всередині будинку, зовні є 4G на крайній випадок.


Цитата: Mantikor від 06 Червень 2021, 14:11:32
Мені хоча б всередині будинку, зовні є 4G на крайній випадок.
Ubiquity смотри, Lite я вот с пол года назад целый двухэтажный большой дом покрыл. Недавно тести вот такую https://hotline.ua/computer-besprovodnoe-oborudovanie/ubiquiti-unifi-nanohd-uap-nanohd/ - очень ок по покрытию была.
[CCCР]: ИС-7, ИС-4, Об. 277, Об.705А, СТ-II, Об. 268, Об. 268\4, Об. 261, Об. 140, Т-62А, Об. 430У, К-91
[Германия]: Maus, Е100, G.W. E 100 [США]: T110E5 [Франция]: AMX M4 mle. 54, AMX 50B [Британия]: Super Conqueror


Треба питати у тих, хто користується. В мене ось Сяомей хто-зна відкіля хапає інтернет від мого роутера ТП-Лінк 10-річної давнини, а Соні втрачала зв'язок вже за дверима.
Поторопитесь восхищаться человеком, ибо упустите радость!


Соглашусь с Gaev чето соседский вайфай херовато  работает на самсе бюджетном и моем китайце на 4х ядерном снепе, но отлично выгребает на бюджетном хуавее на 8ядерном снепе из америки


Цитата: aNGeL від 06 Червень 2021, 15:35:49
Ubiquity смотри, Lite я вот с пол года назад целый двухэтажный большой дом покрыл. Недавно тести вот такую https://hotline.ua/computer-besprovodnoe-oborudovanie/ubiquiti-unifi-nanohd-uap-nanohd/ - очень ок по покрытию была.
Так мені треба точку доступу яка б працювала як в мороз, так і в жару, бо ставити планую на горищі.
Твій варіант тільки для використання в приміщенні, я сумніваюсь що він переживе наші морози, в нього нижня планка -10° C. В Ubiquity з Outdoor варіантів знайшов тільки Ubiquiti UniFi Access Point FlexHD (UAP-FLEXHD), але ціна в нього трохи кусається.


Тогда пичалька. Но по той точке внешней от микротика у меня знакомый двор возле дома покрывал парой штук
[CCCР]: ИС-7, ИС-4, Об. 277, Об.705А, СТ-II, Об. 268, Об. 268\4, Об. 261, Об. 140, Т-62А, Об. 430У, К-91
[Германия]: Maus, Е100, G.W. E 100 [США]: T110E5 [Франция]: AMX M4 mle. 54, AMX 50B [Британия]: Super Conqueror


Я також думав про таких кілька штук, але в мікротіка безшовний wi-fi гівняний, наскільки я чув. Тому не знаю чи варто так робити.


А, збрехав, ще є Ubiquiti UniFi AC Mesh (UAP-AC-M).
Правда mesh робити проблемно, бо по ціні вийде не дуже(2 точки + контролер), але просто в якості точки доступу може бути.


Цитата: Mantikor від 06 Червень 2021, 19:36:30
Я також думав про таких кілька штук, але в мікротіка безшовний wi-fi гівняний, наскільки я чув. Тому не знаю чи варто так робити.
у меня с одним SSID'ом в одном месте работает микротик и юбиковская точка доступа - где то 2-3 пакета потери при переключении.

Цитата: Mantikor від 07 Червень 2021, 00:00:56А, збрехав, ще є Ubiquiti UniFi AC Mesh (UAP-AC-M).
Правда mesh робити проблемно, бо по ціні вийде не дуже(2 точки + контролер), але просто в якості точки доступу може бути.

Насколько помню - для безшовного роуминга для юбиков контроллер не обязателен, точки сами умеют договариваться по внутреннему протоколу. У меня в одном офисе уже три месяца контроллера нет, а безшовность работает.
[CCCР]: ИС-7, ИС-4, Об. 277, Об.705А, СТ-II, Об. 268, Об. 268\4, Об. 261, Об. 140, Т-62А, Об. 430У, К-91
[Германия]: Maus, Е100, G.W. E 100 [США]: T110E5 [Франция]: AMX M4 mle. 54, AMX 50B [Британия]: Super Conqueror


Цитата: aNGeL від 07 Червень 2021, 01:20:13Насколько помню - для безшовного роуминга для юбиков контроллер не обязателен, точки сами умеют договариваться по внутреннему протоколу.
А для початкової настройки контролер не потрібен? Знаю що одну ТД можна через телефон налаштувати, а про mesh не в курсі.


Цитата: Mantikor від 07 Червень 2021, 14:51:43
А для початкової настройки контролер не потрібен? Знаю що одну ТД можна через телефон налаштувати, а про mesh не в курсі.
Можно с телефона все. Там отдельно mesh не навстреивается а работает чисто на основе одинаковых ssid'во. Т е что бы активировалось достаточно на двух точках одинаковый ssid
[CCCР]: ИС-7, ИС-4, Об. 277, Об.705А, СТ-II, Об. 268, Об. 268\4, Об. 261, Об. 140, Т-62А, Об. 430У, К-91
[Германия]: Maus, Е100, G.W. E 100 [США]: T110E5 [Франция]: AMX M4 mle. 54, AMX 50B [Британия]: Super Conqueror


RouterOS 7.3 [Stable]

What's new in 7.3 (2022-Jun-06 11:38):

*) bgp - added "name" parameter for connections;
*) bgp - added initial support for prefix limit;
*) bgp - fixed "keepalive-timeout" value when upgrading from RouterOS v6;
*) bgp - fixed "l2vpn" distribution;
*) bgp - improved stability when editing BGP template;
*) bgp - moved "interface bgp-vpls" menu to "routing bgp vpls";
*) bgp - remove unused commands and parameters;
*) bluetooth - improved long-term service stability;
*) bonding - added "lacp-user-key" setting;
*) bonding - fixed LACP flapping for RB5009 and CCR2004-16G-2S+ devices;
*) bridge - added more details for loop detection warning;
*) bridge - do not set VLAN on inactive port with a "set" command;
*) bridge - fixed TCP, UDP port parsing for loop detect warning;
*) bridge - fixed packet marking for IP/IPv6 firewall;
*) bridge - ignore VLAN tagged BPDU;
*) capsman - fixed bridge disabling when using L2 connection;
*) capsman - fixed loss of manager configuration when "package-path" is set to external disk;
*) capsman - improved traffic processing over CAP communication tunnels:
*) ccr - added "passthrough" flag for interfaces on CCR2004-1G-2XS-PCIe;
*) ccr - added visible "passthrough" flag for interfaces on CCR2004-1G-2XS-PCIe;
*) ccr - improved interface link stability on CCR2004-16G-2S+PC;
*) ccr - usability and stability improvements for passthrough interfaces on CCR2004-1G-2XS-PCIe;
*) cd-install - allow selecting on which drive to install RouterOS;
*) chr - fixed Cloud DDNS update after license renewal;
*) conntrack - limited full Connection Tracking warning to 1 message per minute;
*) console - fixed "terminal inkey" command;
*) crs1xx/2xx - improved system stability during switch reset;
*) defconf - do not add passthrough ports to local bridge on CCR2004-1G-2XS-PCIe;
*) dhcpv4-server - added "age" parameter for dynamic leases;
*) dhcpv4-server - fixed conflicting or declined lease detection when IP pool differs from server's configuration;
*) dhcpv4-server - fixed minor logging typo;
*) dot1x - fixed RADIUS State attribute when client is reauthenticated;
*) dot1x - fixed port based VLAN ID assignment on devices without a switch chip;
*) dot1x - improved server stability when using re-authentication;
*) export - fixed value ID exporting that does not refer to any name;
*) fetch - fixed SFTP upload;
*) fetch - improved full disk detection;
*) filesystem - fixed possible boot failure on RB850Gx2 and RB1100AHx2;
*) filesystem - improved UBIFS stability and data integrity after downgrade to RouterOS v6 and upgrade to RouterOS v7;
*) filesystem - improved long-term filesystem stability and data integrity;
*) gps - added GPS package support for Chateau devices;
*) gps - fixed minor value unit typo;
*) ipsec - fixed IPsec IRQ initialization on startup on TILE;
*) ipsec - fixed printing of active peer statistics;
*) ipv6 - added "ra-preference" parameter support for RA;
*) ipv6 - fixed dynamic non link-local addresses displaying;
*) ipv6 - removed bogus commands from IPv6 neighbors menu;
*) l2tp - added VRF support for L2TP client;
*) l3hw - greatly improved route offloading speed;
*) l3hw - improved offloading for directly connected hosts on CRS305, CRS326-24G-2S+, CRS328, CRS318, CRS310;
*) l3hw - improved offloading in cases of HW table overflow for CRS305, CRS326-24G-2S+, CRS328, CRS318, CRS310;
*) l3hw - improved route table offloading for CRS317, CRS309, CRS312, CRS326-24S+2Q+, CRS354, CRS5xx, CCR2x16 devices;
*) l3hw - log HW routes count and the shortest offloaded subnet prefix if the HW memory gets full;
*) l3hw - offload only main routing table;
*) l3hw - optimized offloading when dealing with large volume of directly connected hosts;
*) l3hw - partial routing table offload for Marvell Prestera DX4000/DX8000 switch chip series;
*) leds - fixed ethernet LED behavior on wAP R ac;
*) leds - fixed wireless related LED behavior with WW2 package;
*) lhgg - improved system stability (introduced in v7.2);
*) lora - do not allow setting non-existing forwarding server;
*) lora - fixed bogus TOO_EARLY errors;
*) lora - removed TX lookup table;
*) lte - added SMS sending support for MBIM protocol;
*) lte - added support for generic PXA1802 based modems;
*) lte - allow only MCC/NMC format in "operator" parameter;
*) lte - clear SIM values when modem in "stopped" state;
*) lte - disabled extended signal info query for Telit LN940 module;
*) lte - disabled wait for LTE auto attach;
*) lte - expose diagnostics channel for all modems;
*) lte - fixed LTE firwmare upgrade on RBLtAP-2HnD with R11e-LTE6;
*) lte - fixed Sierra MC7455 modem initialization;
*) lte - hide slave interfaces from export;
*) lte - improved LTE interface initialization process on LtAP-2HnD;
*) lte - improved stability when configuring multiple APN's at the same time in MBIM mode;
*) lte - improved stability when upgrading LTE firmware on Chateau 5G;
*) mlag - fixed MAC address moving between bridge ports;
*) mpls - do MPLS forwarding for nexthops without mappings;
*) mpls - fixed MPLS MTU and path MTU selection;
*) mpls - fixed MPLS forwarding after any interface configuration parameter is changed;
*) mpls - improved LDP AF selection process and behavior;
*) mpls - made LDP bindings work on PPP interfaces;
*) ntp - do not allow setting port number in "server" parameter;
*) ntp - fixed "use-local-clock" behavior when enabling server;
*) ospf - fixed GRE interface compatibility with OSPF;
*) ospf - ignore instance route when originate-default=if-installed is enabled;
*) ospf - improved stability when enabling or removing interface-template entries;
*) ovpn - adjusted SHA2 authentication algorithm naming to allow legacy OpenVPN implementations to connect;
*) ovpn - fixed hardware offloading support on CHR;
*) ovpn - fixed memory leak on TILE architecture;
*) ovpn - fixed packet processing on MT7621A;
*) ovpn - fixed server instance not responding to incoming connections after reboot on CHR;
*) ovpn - improved Windows client disconnect procedure in UDP mode;
*) ovpn - improved server stability under continous overload;
*) ovpn - improved service stability when outbound packets are blocked by firewall in UDP mode;
*) ovpn - improved service stability when processing frequent disconnects in UDP mode;
*) ovpn - improved stability when forwarding traffic on TILE;
*) ovpn - moved authentication failure messages to "info" logging level;
*) ovpn - reply with the same IP address that the connection was established to;
*) ping - fixed socket allocation after VRF change;
*) port - do not loose "parity" setting;
*) ppp - added support for VRF;
*) ppp - added warning when using prefix length other than /64 for router advertisement;
*) ppp - fixed "remote-ipv6-prefix" parameter unsetting;
*) ppp - fixed active sessions sometimes getting stuck;
*) ppp - fixed issue with multiple active sessions when "only-one" is enabled;
*) profile - added "wireguard" process classificator;
*) profile - added "zerotier" process classificator;
*) qsfp - reset module only when all ports are disabled;
*) queue - allow to set higher limits than 4G;
*) queue - display warning for CAKE type in simple and tree setups when "bandwidth" parameter is configured;
*) queue - improved stability in large list of queue scenarios;
*) rb5009 - fixed 10G linking issues with Intel X520, XXV710 NICs;
*) resource - fixed CPU type display under system resources for ARM and ARM64;
*) romon - fixed VLAN tagged packet processing;
*) route - fixed "nexthop" table printing;
*) route - fixed "table" menu emptying after RouterOS upgrade;
*) route - fixed IPv6 /127 route nexthop resolution;
*) route - fixed static routes in VRF becoming invalid after reboot;
*) route-filter - fixed community matchers;
*) routerboard - fixed USB bus numbering on LtAP and M33G;
*) routerboot - added extra shortcut information on how to boot into etherboot;
*) routerboot - prevent enabling "protected-routerboot" on unsupported factory firmware versions;
*) routerboot - properly reset system configuration when protected bootloader is enabled and reset button used;
*) rsvp-te - improved stability when "Resv" received for non-existing session;
*) sfp - added 2.5Gbps rate for SFP+ and QSFP+ interfaces on 98DXxxxx and 98PX1012 switches (requires disabled auto-negotiation);
*) sfp - hide empty monitor values in console;
*) sfp - improved Q/SFP interface initialization and stability for 98DXxxxx and 98PX1012 switches;
*) sfp - improved QSFP/SFP interface initialization for 98DXxxxx switches;
*) smb - fixed SMB2 file list reporting;
*) snmp - added VRF support (CLI only);
*) snmp - added VRF support;
*) snmp - fixed reported disk size when multiple external disks are attached;
*) snmp - hide Vendor ID in DHCP MIB when branding is present;
*) snmp - report "ifSpeed" as 0 if value out of bounds (use "ifHighSpeed" for high speed interfaces instead);
*) ssh - added AES-GCM cipher support;
*) ssh - fail non-interactive client after first invalid password;
*) ssh - fixed corrupt host key automatic regeneration;
*) ssh - fixed private key usage after downgrade;
*) ssh - removed DSA public key authentication support;
*) supout - added IGMP-Proxy section;
*) supout - added NTP servers section;
*) supout - added PIMSM section;
*) supout - added RIP section;
*) supout - added WireGuard section;
*) supout - added simplified IPv4 and IPv6 routing table prints;
*) switch - added option to match source and destination IP addresses in ARP packets for RB5009 (requires mac-protocol=arp setting);
*) switch - fixed missing stats from traffic-monitor for 98DXxxxx and 98PX1012 switches;
*) system - fixed IP service initialization in VRF after system startup;
*) system - fixed Kernel timer consistency;
*) system - fixed rare partial loss of RouterOS configuration after package upgrade/downgrade/install/uninstall;
*) torch - properly capture all related IPv6 traffic;
*) tr069-client - fixed RPC download of "1 Vendor Configuration File" with branding package;
*) tunnels - improved packet handling over EoIP, IPIP and GRE tunnels;
*) upnp - improved stability when processing incomplete HTTP header;
*) user-manager - added "Acct-Interim-Interval" to predefined attribute list;
*) user-manager - improved stability when received EAP attribute with non-existing state attribute;
*) vpls - fixed "pw-l2mtu" parameter usage;
*) vpls - fixed TE transport path usage after startup;
*) vrrp - fixed learning of bridged local MAC addreses;
*) w60g - improved stability on Cube 60Pro ac and CubeSA 60Pro ac;
*) webfig - properly show all routing table content;
*) wifiwave2 - fixed VLAN tag handling;
*) wifiwave2 - general stability and throughput improvements;
*) winbox - added "Comment" parameter for BGP templates and connections;
*) winbox - added "Default Cost" parameter under "Routing/OSPF/Area" menu;
*) winbox - added "ra-preference" parameter under "IPv6/ND" menu;
*) winbox - added SKID and AKID parameters under "Certificate" menu;
*) winbox - added missing "IBGP", "EBGP", "Limit Exceeded" and "Stopped" parameters under "Routing/BGP/Sessions" menu;
*) winbox - added missing "Keep Sent Attributes" parameter under "Routing/BGP/Connection" menu;
*) winbox - added missing "Scan List" parameter for W60G interfaces;
*) winbox - added missing BGP session commands;
*) winbox - added support for 2.5Gbps and 100Gbps Ethernet speed options;
*) winbox - added warning message for LTE upgrade process;
*) winbox - do not auto start Wireless Sniffer when opened;
*) winbox - do not show "Session Uptime" parameter under "LTE" menu if not supported by modem;
*) winbox - do not show "unknown" area under "Routing/OSPF/LSA" menu;
*) winbox - do not show type value for NXDOMAIN entries under "IP/DNS/Cache" menu;
*) winbox - fixed "Disconnect Timeout" parameter type under "CAPsMAN" menu;
*) winbox - fixed "IP/Cloud" window refreshing after changes are detected;
*) winbox - fixed "Type" values under "IP/Route" menu;
*) winbox - fixed graph drawing in QuickSet;
*) winbox - fixed hex type values under "User Manager" menu;
*) winbox - fixed minor typo in reboot confirmation prompt;
*) winbox - fixed typo in ZeroTier instance title;
*) winbox - made "Interface Templates" table sortable under "Routing/OSPF" menu;
*) winbox - made "MPLS Interface" table sortable under "MPLS" menu;
*) winbox - made 56 the default ping size;
*) winbox - made wireless access list entries sortable when using the wifiwave2 package;
*) winbox - minimal required version is v3.33;
*) winbox - moved "src-address-list" and "dst-address-list" parameters to "General" tab under "IP/Firewall" menu;
*) winbox - moved "src-address-list" and "dst-address-list" parameters to "General" tab under "IPv6/Firewall" menu;
*) winbox - properly clean up SFP module information after it is unplugged;
*) winbox - properly clean up disk after a failed file upload;
*) winbox - properly load band values under "LTE" menu;
*) winbox - removed obsolete "Routing Table" parameter under "IP/Firewall" menu;
*) winbox - show "System/RouterBOARD/Mode Button" on devices that have such feature;
*) winbox - show PVID column by default under "Bridge" menu;
*) winbox - show correct file system type under "System/Disks" menu;
*) winbox - take into account timezone for timed values under "User Manager" menu;
*) wireless - fixed "wmm-support=required" checking;
*) wireless - fixed EAP-TLS authentication;
*) wireless - fixed GUD version in 3gpp information;
*) x86 - added support for Solarflare SFC1920 NIC;
*) x86 - fixed soft-id reading on virtualized x86 installations (introduced in v7.2);
*) x86 - improved support for Intel E810 NIC;
*) zerotier - added support for Controller configuration;
[CCCР]: ИС-7, ИС-4, Об. 277, Об.705А, СТ-II, Об. 268, Об. 268\4, Об. 261, Об. 140, Т-62А, Об. 430У, К-91
[Германия]: Maus, Е100, G.W. E 100 [США]: T110E5 [Франция]: AMX M4 mle. 54, AMX 50B [Британия]: Super Conqueror


Цитата: Mantikor від 06 Червень 2021, 11:07:47Можна щось краще підібрати?
Можна. В мене ця хуйнйа - netis WF2419E, покрива будинок і 30 метрів від нього. Який в твоїх батьків роутер?
«Ті, хто готовий пожертвувати нагальною свободою заради малої дещиці тимчасової безпеки, не гідні ні свободи, ні безпеки»


Цитата: Vlad1 від 08 Червень 2022, 11:39:18Можна. В мене ця хуйнйа - netis WF2419E, покрива будинок і 30 метрів від нього. Який в твоїх батьків роутер?
Це вже не актуально.
Я тоді взяв Mikrotik wAP Black Edition (RBwAP2nD-BE), тому що на Ubiquiti UniFi AC Mesh (UAP-AC-M) ціна була майже в 2 рази вища, і мало де було в наявності.
Поставив під дах на вулиці, і забув за нього, працює нормально. Хоча в спеку варто буде глянути його температуру.


Да ти мажор. Яку відстань покрива? Щось не подобається мені їх підсилення антен 2×2 dBi. Бляха, ти писав рік тому  ;D
«Ті, хто готовий пожертвувати нагальною свободою заради малої дещиці тимчасової безпеки, не гідні ні свободи, ні безпеки»


Цитата: Vlad1 від 09 Червень 2022, 22:12:05Да ти мажор. Яку відстань покрива? Щось не подобається мені їх підсилення антен 2×2 dBi. Бляха, ти писав рік тому  ;D

На вулиці не міряв відстань. Мені потрібно було одну кімнату покрити, і ця точка доступу своє зробила.


RouterOS 7.3.1 [Stable]

What's new in 7.3.1 (2022-Jun-09 11:58):

*) rb3011 - fixed RB3011 going into a reboot loop when the SFP module is present (introduced in v7.3);
*) wifiwave2 - fixed WPA3-PSK authentication incompatibility with certain vendor and model devices;
[CCCР]: ИС-7, ИС-4, Об. 277, Об.705А, СТ-II, Об. 268, Об. 268\4, Об. 261, Об. 140, Т-62А, Об. 430У, К-91
[Германия]: Maus, Е100, G.W. E 100 [США]: T110E5 [Франция]: AMX M4 mle. 54, AMX 50B [Британия]: Super Conqueror


Цитата: Mantikor від 10 Червень 2022, 08:00:51На вулиці не міряв відстань. Мені потрібно було одну кімнату покрити, і ця точка доступу своє зробила.
Щось таке вийшло
Вибачте, але ви не маєте права на перегляд спойлерів.


Цитата: aNGeL від 10 Червень 2022, 12:16:21RouterOS 7.3.1 [Stable]

What's new in 7.3.1 (2022-Jun-09 11:58):

*) rb3011 - fixed RB3011 going into a reboot loop when the SFP module is present (introduced in v7.3);
*) wifiwave2 - fixed WPA3-PSK authentication incompatibility with certain vendor and model devices;

Надо будет глянуть обновится ли мой. А то в плане 7.2 н якобы обновлялся, но потом видел обновы снова и версия ПО светилась та что была до обновы.

ЗЫ. fixed RB3011 going into a reboot loop when the SFP module is present
залюбленный в рот, неужели нельзя было это не пускать в Stable? Ну не лонг-терм, да, но все равно.
Сегодня звезды встали таким образом, что ты можешь гонять интересы. Однако, есть риск что на бесптичье и твоя жопа - соловей.


Цитата: Dmytro від 14 Червень 2022, 15:59:30залюбленный в рот, неужели нельзя было это не пускать в Stable? Ну не лонг-терм, да, но все равно.
баги завжди будуть
[CCCР]: ИС-7, ИС-4, Об. 277, Об.705А, СТ-II, Об. 268, Об. 268\4, Об. 261, Об. 140, Т-62А, Об. 430У, К-91
[Германия]: Maus, Е100, G.W. E 100 [США]: T110E5 [Франция]: AMX M4 mle. 54, AMX 50B [Британия]: Super Conqueror


Сегодня звезды встали таким образом, что ты можешь гонять интересы. Однако, есть риск что на бесптичье и твоя жопа - соловей.


[CCCР]: ИС-7, ИС-4, Об. 277, Об.705А, СТ-II, Об. 268, Об. 268\4, Об. 261, Об. 140, Т-62А, Об. 430У, К-91
[Германия]: Maus, Е100, G.W. E 100 [США]: T110E5 [Франция]: AMX M4 mle. 54, AMX 50B [Британия]: Super Conqueror


Цитата: aNGeL від 14 Червень 2022, 23:09:30нема нічого ідеального
Запах чесночно-горохового пердежа на сиденье стула после обеда?
Сегодня звезды встали таким образом, что ты можешь гонять интересы. Однако, есть риск что на бесптичье и твоя жопа - соловей.


RouterOS 7.4 [Stable]

Important note!!!

- Container package is not available in v7.4. Development and testing continues in "testing" channel.

Changes in this release:

*) api - fixed comma encoding within URL when using the ".proplist" argument;
*) bridge - properly process IPsec decapsulated packets through the firewall when the "use-ip-firewall" option is enabled;
*) capsman - require a unique name for configuration and configuration pre-sets;
*) certificate - fixed new CRL updating;
*) chr - fixed booting with added additional SCSI disk;
*) cloud - print critical log message when system clock gets synchronized;
*) console - added ":retry" command;
*) console - fixed situation when print output was not consistent;
*) defconf - fixed default configuration loading on devices with WifiWave2 package;
*) dhcp-relay - fixed DHCPv6 relay forward and reply creation (introduced in v7.1.3);
*) dhcp-server - change "vendor-class-id" matcher to generic option matcher;
*) dhcpv4-server - disallowed overriding message type option;
*) dhcpv4-server - log message when user option updates existing option;
*) dhcpv4-server - placed option 53 as the first one in the packet;
*) dns - convert the domain name to lowercase before matching regex;
*) dot1x - fixed "undo" command for server instances;
*) e-mail - added VRF support;
*) filesystem - fixed repartition on RB5009 series devices;
*) firewall - added "srcnat" and "dstnat" flags to IPv6/Firewall/Connection table;
*) firewall - added support for IPv6/Firewall/NAT action=src-nat rules;
*) firewall - fixed IPv6 NAT functionality when processing GRE traffic on TILE devices;
*) firewall - fixed IPv6/Firewall/RAW functionality;
*) firewall - include "connection-mark", "connection-state", and "packet-mark" when packet logging is enabled;
*) firewall - properly handle interface matcher when VRF interface is specified;
*) health - fixed requesting data from sensor when issuing "get" command;
*) health - fixed voltage reporting on some RBmAP-2nD devices;
*) hotspot - fixed ARP resolution for clients when address pool is specified on the server;
*) hotspot - fixed Walled Garden entries with action=deny;
*) ipv6 - fixed system stability when adding/removing IPv6 address;
*) l2tp - improved stability when establishing l2tp-ether connection (introduced in v7.3);
*) ldp - correctly handle AFI selection for usage on dual-stack peers;
*) leds - fixed GPS LED configuration on LtAP LTE kit;
*) leds - fixed LTE signal strength LED configuration on LHGG LTE kit;
*) leds - fixed LTE signal strength LED configuration on LtAP LTE kit;
*) lte - added AT chat support for Dell dw5821e modem;
*) lte - fixed LTE interface running state after modem reconnection;
*) lte - fixed Telit AT interface numbering;
*) lte - improved LTE interface detection for LtAP-2HnD devices;
*) lte - keep MBIM working even if AT channel fails to respond in the initialization stage;
*) lte - request connect with the same IP type as in LTE attach status for MBIM;
*) lte - show current value for "antenna" parameter when auto antenna selection fails;
*) lte - validate LTE attached IP type in MBIM mode;
*) mmips - improved USB device detection after system bootup;
*) mpls - fixed VPLS functionality when PW peer is an immediate neighbor;
*) mpls - improved stability with enabled loop-detect;
*) mqtt - fixed log flooding with disconnect messages;
*) mqtt - fixed socket error handling;
*) netwatch - added support for more advanced probing;
*) ntp - added VRF support for client and server;
*) ntp - fixed manycast server support;
*) ntp - improved "debug" log level logging;
*) ovpn - added "AUTH_FAILED" control message sending;
*) ovpn - fixed "called-station-id" RADIUS attribute value for OVPN server;
*) ovpn - use selected cipher by default when the server does not provide "cipher" option;
*) pimsm - improved system stability when changing configuration;
*) poe - hide "poe-voltage" parameter on devices that do not support it;
*) ppp - do not fail connection when trying to add existing IP address to address list;
*) ppp - log warning message when remote IP address can not be added;
*) ppp - properly try to use different authentication algorithms when Conf-Rej is received during the LCP phase;
*) quickset - specify the "in-interface-list=WAN" attribute on firewall rules created through "Port Mapping";
*) radius - added VRF support for RADIUS client;
*) route - added option to join static IGMP and MLD groups (available in "/routing/gmp" menu);
*) route - expose all valid routes to route select filter from BGP;
*) route - expose all valid routes to route select filter from OSPF and RIP;
*) route - fixed false route type detection as blackhole;
*) route - fixed log messages when changing routing configuration;
*) route - made export run faster on tables with a large number of dynamic routes;
*) route - provide more detailed information about prefixes when using "discourse" tool;
*) route-filter - fixed route select filter rules;
*) routing - moved "/interface bgp vpls" to "/routing bgp vpls" menu;
*) routing-filter - added origin matcher to match for example routes of a specific OSPF instance;
*) routing-filter - fixed regexp community matcher;
*) routing-filter - made "do-jump" work in select rules;
*) rpki - fix potential memory leak;
*) ssh - disable ssh-rsa when strong-crypto=yes and use rsa-sha2-sha256;
*) ssh - fixed host key generation (introduced in v7.3);
*) ssh - implemented "server-sig-algs" extension in order to improve rsa-sha2-sha256 support;
*) switch - disabled second CPU core for CRS328-24P-4S+ device in order to improve SFP+ link stability;
*) switch - fixed multicast flooding when HW offloaded bridge port gets disabled;
*) system - added "shutdown" parameter for reset-configuration (CLI only);
*) system - fixed configuration reset with "run-after-reset" with file stored on ramdisk;
*) upgrade - ignore same version packages during upgrade procedure;
*) upgrade - improved RouterOS upgrade stability with attached USB modem on MIPSBE, SMIPS and MMIPS devices;
*) vpls - improved system stability with enabled connection tracking;
*) vxlan - allow to specify MAC address manually;
*) w60g - fixed interface "reset-configuration" on Cube 60 devices;
*) w60g - improved interface initialization after being inactive for a while;
*) w60g - improved system stability when using mismatched L2MTU between station and AP;
*) webfig - updated WebFig HTML files with the new MikroTik logo and removed Telnet option from index page;
*) webfig - updated link to the WinBox executable;
*) webfig - updated link to the documentation;
*) wifiwave2 - added initial support for roaming (802.11r) between local AP interfaces;
*) wifiwave2 - fixed "frequency-scan" functionality (introduced in v7.3);
*) wifiwave2 - improved WPA3 support stability;
*) winbox - add a log and log-prefix options to IPv6 firewall NAT and mangle rules;
*) winbox - added "name" parameter under "Routing/BGP/Session" menu;
*) winbox - added "to-address" and "to-ports" parameters under "IPv6/Firewall/NAT" menu;
*) winbox - added support for "veth" interface types;
*) winbox - fixed "inactive" flag naming under "MPLS/Local Mapping" menu;
*) winbox - fixed IP/Route and IPv6/Route OSPF type value;
*) winbox - fixed filename dropdown value filtering;
*) winbox - fixed minor typo under "Interface" stats;
*) winbox - fixed units for "reachable-time" parameter under "IPv6/ND" menu;
*) winbox - removed "TLS Host" parameter from "IP/Firewall/NAT" menu;
*) winbox - removed duplicate signal strength column under "Wireless/Registration Table" menu;
*) winbox - removed unused "Apply Changes" button from BGP sessions menu;
*) wireguard - fixed system stability when adding/removing WireGuard interface;
*) wireless - fixed possible traffic flooding to WDS clients when using Nv2 and multicast helper;
*) x86 - fixed Broadcom NIC support;
*) x86 - fixed keep old configuration functionality during x86 setup installation;
*) x86 - improved log warning message on failed downgrade attempt;
*) x86 - removed "hdd-model" information from installation screen;
[CCCР]: ИС-7, ИС-4, Об. 277, Об.705А, СТ-II, Об. 268, Об. 268\4, Об. 261, Об. 140, Т-62А, Об. 430У, К-91
[Германия]: Maus, Е100, G.W. E 100 [США]: T110E5 [Франция]: AMX M4 mle. 54, AMX 50B [Британия]: Super Conqueror


Цитата: aNGeL від 20 Липень 2022, 15:25:58RouterOS 7.4 [Stable]
*) e-mail - added VRF support;
не понял - а какое отношение имеет имейл к ВРФ? К чему это?
Сегодня звезды встали таким образом, что ты можешь гонять интересы. Однако, есть риск что на бесптичье и твоя жопа - соловей.


Цитата: Dmytro від 26 Липень 2022, 13:15:45*) e-mail - added VRF support;
не понял - а какое отношение имеет имейл к ВРФ? К чему это?
скоріш за все емейл нотификації
[CCCР]: ИС-7, ИС-4, Об. 277, Об.705А, СТ-II, Об. 268, Об. 268\4, Об. 261, Об. 140, Т-62А, Об. 430У, К-91
[Германия]: Maus, Е100, G.W. E 100 [США]: T110E5 [Франция]: AMX M4 mle. 54, AMX 50B [Британия]: Super Conqueror


[CCCР]: ИС-7, ИС-4, Об. 277, Об.705А, СТ-II, Об. 268, Об. 268\4, Об. 261, Об. 140, Т-62А, Об. 430У, К-91
[Германия]: Maus, Е100, G.W. E 100 [США]: T110E5 [Франция]: AMX M4 mle. 54, AMX 50B [Британия]: Super Conqueror


Сегодня звезды встали таким образом, что ты можешь гонять интересы. Однако, есть риск что на бесптичье и твоя жопа - соловей.


Цитата: Dmytro від 04 Серпень 2022, 17:00:00У нас где-то месяц назад сломали Микротик одного абона, то гос. учреждение в подчинении Мин. Юстиции, скажем так.
А як зламали і що робили?
[CCCР]: ИС-7, ИС-4, Об. 277, Об.705А, СТ-II, Об. 268, Об. 268\4, Об. 261, Об. 140, Т-62А, Об. 430У, К-91
[Германия]: Maus, Е100, G.W. E 100 [США]: T110E5 [Франция]: AMX M4 mle. 54, AMX 50B [Британия]: Super Conqueror



Цитата: aNGeL від 04 Серпень 2022, 18:43:45А як зламали і що робили?
Детали не знаю поскольку настройка оборудования данного клиента это ЗО самого клиента, он там сам разбирался. Знаю что конфиг новый искал, вероятно ему его или похерили или самому пришлось резетать роутер.

Цитата: finalplayer від 04 Серпень 2022, 19:06:50пароля на вифий не было
Там нет вифи, он с того роутера раздавал инет на свои точки по Украине через наши L2-каналы.
Сегодня звезды встали таким образом, что ты можешь гонять интересы. Однако, есть риск что на бесптичье и твоя жопа - соловей.


[CCCР]: ИС-7, ИС-4, Об. 277, Об.705А, СТ-II, Об. 268, Об. 268\4, Об. 261, Об. 140, Т-62А, Об. 430У, К-91
[Германия]: Maus, Е100, G.W. E 100 [США]: T110E5 [Франция]: AMX M4 mle. 54, AMX 50B [Британия]: Super Conqueror


RouterOS 7.5 [Stable]

What's new in 7.5 (2022-Aug-30 12:25):

*) bgp - fixed remote refuse capability options, max prefix limit errors and administrative stop;
*) bgp - improved stability when "default-originate" is configured;
*) bridge - fixed "new-priority" value validation for NAT rules;
*) capsman - added randomized range option for "reselect-interval" parameter (CLI only);
*) certificate - fixed handling of empty AKID by SCEP client;
*) console - fixed automatic command completion with keypress;
*) container - added support for running Docker (TM) containers on ARM, ARM64 and x86 (containers created before v7.4 must be recreated);
*) defconf - fixed loading of default configuration on RB4011 with WifiWave2 package enabled;
*) dhcpv4-server - fixed removal of dynamic leases when server is removed;
*) dhcpv6-client - moved invalid lifetime logging message from "debug" to "error" topic;
*) dhcpv6-client - use /128 prefix for IA_NA addresses;
*) dhcpv6-relay - fixed relay forwarding (introduced in v7.1.5);
*) dhcpv6-server - improved stability when acquiring binding;
*) dns - added "address-list" parameter for static DNS entries (CLI only);
*) dns - added "match-subdomain" option for static entries (CLI only);
*) firewall - added support for RTSP helper;
*) health - fixed "temperature" and "power-consumption" readings on RB1100x4;
*) health - improved voltage reading on CRS112-8P-4S;
*) health - renamed "cpu-temperature" to "switch-temperature" on CRS312-4C+8XG, CRS326-24S+2Q+, CRS354-48P-4S+2Q+, CRS354-48G-4S+2Q+, CRS504-4XQ-IN, CRS518-16XS-2XQ;
*) hostpot - fixed Walled Garden functionality for HTTPS sites;
*) hotspot - automatically reject all HTTPS requests passing through HotSpot server for unauthorized users;
*) hotspot - improved stability when receiving bogus packets;
*) hotspot - limit maximum allowed connections based on free RAM resources;
*) hotspot - removed "https-redirect" option;
*) ike2 - allow sending certificate chain as initiator;
*) interface - fixed default interface naming on RB1100x2;
*) l3hw - fixed HW offloaded NAT;
*) leds - fixed default LED configuration for RBwsAP-5Hac2nD;
*) leds - fixed wireless LED functionality on LHGG;
*) lora - do not ignore negative sign for spoofed GPS coordinates;
*) lte - added at-chat and NMEA port support for Simcom modems, USB composition (device id - 0x9003);
*) lte - added at-chat support for Simcom modems, USB composition (device id - 0x9005);
*) lte - added "SIM not inserted" and "SIM failure" messages to "status" and "monitor" commands for AT modems;
*) lte - changed cell ID info display to short format for 3G connections;
*) lte - disallow empty APN name only for default entry;
*) lte - fixed AT channel for Sierra Wireless modems with device ID 0x9091;
*) lte - fixed LTE interface presence for Telit LN940;
*) lte - fixed UDP performance on MMIPS devices;
*) lte - improved antenna scan for Chateau devices with switchable antennas;
*) lte - improved configuration export when multiple LTE interfaces are present;
*) lte - modem dialer, do not reset dialing sequence if modem reply with error to user set init-string;
*) netinstall - fixed Netinstall procedure for ARM devices;
*) netwatch - automatically start migrated probes from previous RouterOS versions;
*) netwatch - changed ICMP default packet loss fail threshold to 85%;
*) ntp - fixed NTP server when "use-local-clock" is used;
*) ospf - fixed handling of external forwarding address;
*) ospf - improved stability when interface is being disabled during database exchange;
*) ovpn - fixed encryption key renewal process which caused periodic session disconnects;
*) ovpn - improved system stability when hardware acceleration is used on ARM64 devices;
*) ovpn - moved disconnected user logging message from "debug" to "info" topic;
*) ping - improved service stability;
*) port - added support for D-Link DWM-222 in serial/PPP mode (device id - 0xac01/0x7e3d);
*) port - added support for Huawei/ZTE K5006z in serial/PPP mode (device id - 0x1017/0x1018);
*) ppp - improved service stability under high load;
*) ppp - use /32 as default netmask if not specified for "routes" parameter;
*) ptp - improved system stability on CRS devices;
*) quickset - removed PPTP and SSTP server addition for "VPN" checkbox;
*) rb5009 - fixed ether1 status reporting after system reboot;
*) route-filter - fixed "delete bgp-communities" command;
*) routerboard - added "reset-button" script feature for TILE devices;
*) sfp - fixed "eeprom" reading on single SFP port ARM devices;
*) sfp - fixed QSFP+ and QSFP28 interface disable when using breakout cable;
*) sfp - fixed unresponsive "sfp1" interface after disabling "ether1" on NetMetal devices;
*) sfp - improved combo SFP ports initialization handling on CRS312-4C+8XG, CRS328-4C-20S-4S+;
*) sfp - improved stability when using 2.5G optical modules in CCR2116, CCR2216 and CRS518;
*) snmp - fixed usage of VRF after system startup;
*) socks - fixed "dst-port" usage when checking access list;
*) ssh - added AES support for PEM decryption;
*) ssh - fixed importing of public keys;
*) ssh - fixed minor typo issue when importing public key;
*) sstp - fixed client stuck in "nonce matching" state;
*) switch - fixed ACL rules for 98DXxxxx switches with more than 28 ports (introduced in v7.3);
*) switch - removed limit for number of hardware-offloaded bonding interfaces;
*) swos - enabled SwitchOS support for CRS310-1G-5S-4S+;
*) swos - fixed SwOS upgrade procedure on CRS305-1G-4S+;
*) traceroute - added "do-not-fragment" parameter support (CLI only);
*) traceroute - increased packet size limit to 65535;
*) vrrp - added "sync-connection-tracking" compatibility with preemption-mode;
*) vrrp - fixed high CPU usage when "sync-connection-tracking=yes" and the backup router goes offline;
*) vrrp - fixed HW offloaded bridge MAC address learning when changing from VRRP master to backup;
*) vrrp - fixed initial connection tracking synchronization, a backup router now always receives all existing connections;
*) vrrp - improved connection tracking synchronization protocol (CTSYNC), the new protocol is incompatible with previous RouterOS versions with "sync-connection-tracking=yes";
*) webfig - allow to specify NTP server as domain name;
*) webfig - fixed displaying of grahs in status pages;
*) webfig - fixed floating point field's negative value in -0.*** format;
*) wifiwave2 - added "sae-pwe" parameter with hash-to-element mechanism for SAE PWE derivation;
*) wifiwave2 - added support for 802.11k;
*) wifiwave2 - disable wireless interface after wireless configuration reset;
*) wifiwave2 - fixed displaying of AKM in scan results;
*) wifiwave2 - fixed duplicated AKM in RSN message;
*) wifiwave2 - fixed group key update for client devices which connect via fast BSS transition;
*) wifiwave2 - fixed incorrect AKM usage for FT-WPA3-EAP-192;
*) wifiwave2 - fixed reassociation response sending for fast transition over DS;
*) wifiwave2 - fixed setting of "ft-nas-identifier" parameter;
*) wifiwave2 - fixed usage of Canada country setting on US locked devices;
*) wifiwave2 - improved default channel width selection for interfaces in station mode;
*) winbox - do not show previously attached LTE interfaces while establishing LTE connection;
*) winbox - enabled all filters by default under "Tools/Torch" menu;
*) winbox - fixed "Enable", "Disable" and "Comment" functions for L2TP-ether type interfaces;
*) winbox - fixed "Next Run" parameter displaying under "System/Scheduler" menu;
*) winbox - fixed "Type" and "Value" field displaying under "System/Health" sub-menu's;
*) winbox - show warning messages for BGP connection entries;
*) wireless - fixed interface initialization on x86 devices;
*) x86 - allow downgrading to RouterOS v6 only if it was previously installed;
*) x86 - fixed advertising of 2500M and 5000M link speeds on ixgbe driver;
[CCCР]: ИС-7, ИС-4, Об. 277, Об.705А, СТ-II, Об. 268, Об. 268\4, Об. 261, Об. 140, Т-62А, Об. 430У, К-91
[Германия]: Maus, Е100, G.W. E 100 [США]: T110E5 [Франция]: AMX M4 mle. 54, AMX 50B [Британия]: Super Conqueror


RouterOS 7.6 [Stable]

*) bgp - added support for BGP advertisement displaying (CLI only);
*) bgp - fixed reporting of session uptime;
*) bgp - improved session establishment speed after bootup;
*) bonding - fixed ARP monitor packets with bond's MAC address;
*) bonding - improved interface stability on slave configuration changes;
*) bonding - reduce "actual-mtu" according to interface "l2mtu";
*) branding - execute "autorun.scr" file when installing branding package;
*) capsman - fixed RADIUS accounting when EAP is used;
*) certificate - fixed SHA1 certificate name lookup;
*) certificate - improved certificate management, signing and storing processes;
*) certificate - restricted maximum retry attempt window for Let's Encrypt certificate to 60 minutes;
*) container - added "start-on-boot" parameter for automatic container startup;
*) container - allow changing container related parameters while it is running;
*) container - fixed usage of non-authenticated registries;
*) dhcpv4-server - fixed matcher functionality;
*) dhcpv4-server - fixed RADIUS accounting for local leases;
*) dhcpv4-server - improved service stability when removing dynamic leases;
*) dhcpv6-client - fixed false error status reporting when server offers T1 or T2 value as 0;
*) dns - added "match-subdomain" option for static entries (CLI only);
*) dot1x - fixed incorrect error when using "mac-auth";
*) ethernet - added "5Gbps" option for speed setting;
*) firewall - added "src/dst-address-type" parameter under "IPv6/Firewall/Mangle" menu;
*) firewall - disable IRC NAT helper on upgrade;
*) firewall - fixed IPv6 filtering with "in/out-interface" matcher that is in VRF;
*) firewall - fixed IRC NAT helper (CVE-2022-2663);
*) firewall - fixed usage of "netmap" action for IPv6 source NAT;
*) health - fixed fan speed and temperature reporting on CCR1072;
*) health - improved voltage reading on RBmAP-2nD;
*) hotspot - fixed service initialization when HTML directory configured on an external disk;
*) hotspot - fixed SSL usage on all HotSpot pages;
*) hotspot - improved stability when receiving bogus packets;
*) hotspot - limit maximum allowed connections based on free RAM resources;
*) hotspot - removed "routerboard.com" URL from default HotSpot advertise;
*) interface - added warning when interface has configured "mtu" higher than "l2mtu";
*) ipsec - added "invalid-packets" counter for Installed SA's menu;
*) ipsec - fixed packet processing by hardware encryption engine on MMIPS devices;
*) l3hw - added "l3hw-settings" sub menu under the switch menu;
*) l3hw - added support for IPv6 route offloading (disabled by default);
*) l3hw - fixed "H" flag presence for accelerated connection tracking entries;
*) l3hw - fixed possible packet loss when using HW offloaded NAT;
*) l3hw - improved connected host offloading on startup;
*) l3hw - improved connected IPv6 host offloading when routing table is nearly full for 98DX224S, 98DX226S, and 98DX3236 switch chips;
*) l3hw - improved system stability;
*) l3hw - made route offloading selection work only on unicast;
*) lte - added interface name in MTU debug logging message;
*) lte - added periodic IPv6 RS to trigger IPv6 adress acquisition for non-MBIM modems;
*) lte - added support for Neoway N75-EA;
*) lte - added support to perform FOTA upgrade from local file for EG12-EA, EG18-EA, RG502Q-AE, EG06-A, EP06-A modems;
*) lte - disabled RPLMN on Chateau 5G;
*) lte - fixed at-chat on Telit FN980m;
*) lte - fixed handover from UMTS to LTE when PS activation had failed for MBIM modems;
*) lte - fixed MBIM modem initialization;
*) lte - fixed re-attaching on PS detach for MBIM modems;
*) lte - removed reconnect delay after receiving DETACH notification for MBIM modems;
*) macsec - added configuration support with VLAN, ARP, DHCP and bridge tagging/untagging;
*) macsec - added logging support with "debug" and "dot1x" topics;
*) macsec - added support for MTU and L2MTU;
*) macsec - fixed interface after Ethernet link down;
*) macsec - fixed interface statistics and missing properties;
*) macsec - fixed interface status;
*) macsec - fixed multiple interface creation on different Ethernet ports
*) macsec - improved interface stability;
*) macsec - improved system stability for TILE and RB5009 devices;
*) macsec - removed interface from SMIPS devices;
*) mac-telnet - respect interface MTU setting when sending packets for MAC-Telnet and MAC-WinBox;
*) netwatch - fixed string variable values in script;
*) ntp - improved initial synchronization speed after bootup;
*) ospf - added SHA hashing for authentication;
*) ospf - fixed area "no-summary" setting;
*) ospf - fixed checksum calculation;
*) ospf - fixed displaying of VRF interface in related logs;
*) ospf - fixed transmit of LSA/ACK's on p2p interfaces;
*) ospf - improved logging when invalid configuration is detected;
*) ospf - refresh OSPFv3 interface configuration when IPv6 network becomes available;
*) ovpn - added IPv6 support;
*) ovpn - added VRF support for client;
*) ppp - fixed memory leak;
*) ppp - improved service stability when multiple users disconnect simultaneously;
*) pppoe - fixed MRU negotiation even when it is set to 1500;
*) qsfp - added interface temperature warnings and shutdown;
*) queue - improved stability for CAKE type queues;
*) radius - require "policy" policy for "login" service configuration;
*) rip - fixed passwordless MD5 authentication;
*) route-filter - fixed filtering for multiple community routes;
*) route-filter - fixed memory allocation when moving entries;
*) route - fixed disappearance of inactive static routes after upgrade;
*) route - fixed memory leak;
*) routerboard - return router's short name in "model" parameter;
*) routerboard - set "Delete" as default key to enter booter menu ("/system routerboard upgrade" required);
*) serial - added support for newer PL2303 serial controllers;
*) sfp - improved QSFP/SFP interface stability for 98DXxxxx and 98PX1012 switches;
*) sms - added "status-report-request" parameter for "send" command;
*) sms - fixed handling of SMS send attempts on unsupported modems;
*) snmp - improved retrieval of routing related OID's;
*) snmp - improved stability when receiving bogus packets;
*) ssh - increased key generation timeout;
*) sstp - added VRF support for client;
*) supout - added tr069-client section;
*) supout - removed duplicate "bridge-controller" section;
*) switch - improved traffic forwarding at 5Gbps rate for 98DX8525, 98DX4310 switches;
*) system - renamed error messages when trying to edit or remove dynamic entries;
*) tile - improved system stability when processing packets;
*) tr069-client - do not allow ":" symbols in username;
*) tr069-client - fixed reporting of "X_MIKROTIK_MimoRSRP" parameter;
*) user-manager - accept any username for outer authentication;
*) user-manager - added "comment" parameter for batch user creation;
*) user-manager - added support for multiple accounting sessions;
*) user-manager - added variables to print profile name and end time in voucher templates;
*) user-manager - allow specifying router's address as subnet;
*) user-manager - fixed "migrate-legacy-db" command;
*) user-manager - fixed session expiry when it is stopped by Disconnect-Request;
*) user-manager - forced username verification against client's certificate for EAP-TLS;
*) user-manager - use "Class" attribute to associate user's accounting session;
*) user - removed unused "dude" policy;
*) vrrp - fixed connection tracking synchronization on MMIPS and MIPSBE devices;
*) vxlan - added IPv6 support for remote VTEPs (only IPv4 or IPv6 will be used at the same time, use "vteps-ip-version" property on VXLAN interface to change the version);
*) w60g - improved system stability (introduced in v7.5);
*) webfig - fixed creation of new IPv6 routes;
*) webfig - fixed displaying of "Last Seen" parameter under "IP/DHCP Server/Leases" menu;
*) webfig - fixed hex input for "Host Uniq" field;
*) webfig - fixed unsetting of "endpoint-address" parameter under "WireGuard/Peers" menu;
*) wifiwave2 - fixed enabling of unconfigured interfaces;
*) wifiwave2 - fixed malfunction of WPA3 hash-to-element technique when enabled on multiple interfaces;
*) wifiwave2 - fixed RADIUS accounting after fast-transition;
*) wifiwave2 - fixed "WPA Key Data Length" value in EAPOL frame when FT-EAP-SHA384 AKM is used;
*) winbox - added "Active" prefix for current remote and local session ID fields for L2TP-Ether interfaces;
*) winbox - added "address-list" parameter under "IP/DNS/Static" menu;
*) winbox - added "File Name" option for "Load Config" parameter under "System/SwOS" menu;
*) winbox - added icon for TR069-client menu;
*) winbox - added MACsec support;
*) winbox - added quick filtering option for route list;
*) winbox - added "Rapid Commit" parameter support under "IPv6/DHCP-Server" menu;
*) winbox - added "Reset Traffic Counters" button for all interfaces;
*) winbox - added "type" and "status-report-request" parameters under "Tools/SMS" menu;
*) winbox - allow "timeout" value to be less than 1 under "Tools/Netwatch" menu;
*) winbox - allow to rename mounted disks;
*) winbox - changed order of tabs under "User Manager" menu;
*) winbox - changed "uptime" parameter format when using the wifiwave2 package;
*) winbox - do not show unavailable features on SMIPS devices;
*) winbox - fixed interface traffic graph drawing on RB5009;
*) winbox - fixed maximum allowed value for VRRP's "priority" parameter;
*) winbox - fixed "Session Uptime" value for not established sessions under "Routing/BGP" menu;
*) winbox - fixed "Session Uptime" value under "Routing/BGP" menu;
*) winbox - fixed "System/SwOS" window refreshing after changes are detected;
*) winbox - fixed "User Manager/User Profiles" window refreshing after changes are detected;
*) winbox - made "backup.swb" the default value for SwOS backup;
*) winbox - made sessions removable in "User Manager" menu;
*) winbox - show "F" flag for failed entries under "Interfaces/VRRP" menu;
*) winbox - show "Switch" menu on Chateau LTE18 ax;
*) winbox - show "System/Health" only on boards that have health monitoring;
*) winbox - show "System/RouterBOARD/Mode Button" on devices that have such feature;
*) wireguard - strip whitespaces from keys;
*) wireless - disallowed using "default" as scan list or channel names;
*) wireless - fixed incorrectly applied ingress priority to non-wireless packets;
*) wireless - fixed missing wireless interface on some RB921GS-5HPacD devices;
*) www - improved stability when receiving bogus packets;
*) x86 - improved ixgbe driver support;
[CCCР]: ИС-7, ИС-4, Об. 277, Об.705А, СТ-II, Об. 268, Об. 268\4, Об. 261, Об. 140, Т-62А, Об. 430У, К-91
[Германия]: Maus, Е100, G.W. E 100 [США]: T110E5 [Франция]: AMX M4 mle. 54, AMX 50B [Британия]: Super Conqueror


Сегодня звезды встали таким образом, что ты можешь гонять интересы. Однако, есть риск что на бесптичье и твоя жопа - соловей.


«Ті, хто готовий пожертвувати нагальною свободою заради малої дещиці тимчасової безпеки, не гідні ні свободи, ні безпеки»


Сегодня звезды встали таким образом, что ты можешь гонять интересы. Однако, есть риск что на бесптичье и твоя жопа - соловей.


Цитата: Dmytro від 26 Травень 2023, 22:47:19Короче надо ТП-Линк купить, я понял.

@aNGeL прошу помочь в выборе роутера.

WR-840 чекає на тебе!
[CCCР]: ИС-7, ИС-4, Об. 277, Об.705А, СТ-II, Об. 268, Об. 268\4, Об. 261, Об. 140, Т-62А, Об. 430У, К-91
[Германия]: Maus, Е100, G.W. E 100 [США]: T110E5 [Франция]: AMX M4 mle. 54, AMX 50B [Британия]: Super Conqueror